This article describes how to create a Basic examination and an Advanced examination.

Role: Course Manager access to active course


Basic examination


Do the following:

  • Go to Course/<course occasion>/Exam
  • Click the button Add Segment & select Exam
  • Click the <examination>
  • Click the button Edit exam
  • Edit exam info:
    • Start time: (Scheduled start): date & time for the exam to start
    • Duration: how long the exam is in, hours & minutes
    • Question order: Random (or sorted)
    • Feedback: No feedback
    • Show in exam stats: Yes
    • Password to start: <a number of characters/numbers>
    • Password to submit: 123456
    • Grading scale: 0-10
    • Pass mark: Depends on the selected grading

Select questions

Before adding questions, the questions has been imported from Moodle

  • Go to the tab Questions
  • Click the button Browse

Write questions

For detailed information: 


no tags, do it later


If you need to organize exam groups, go to

  • Go to the Courses/<course>/>course occasion>
  • Go to menu Students
  • Click at a <student>
  • Click the button Edit Details
  • Go to the field Group Membership
  • Create a <group(s)> (can be used for all students


If new students are missing contact XXX (new article)

  • Go to the tab Students
  • Add students (select using groups)

For detailed information: Thessaloniki - Create an exam (basic)

Grading process

Must be setup before the exam is created


Reports to students?


If reports, need modules!!!


Add invigilators to exam:

  • Go to Course/<course occasion>
  • Go to Exam
  • Click on an <exam>
  • Click the button Edit exam
  • Select the tab Task & roles
  • Click the button Add Invigilator
  • Select <invigilaor(s)> by selecting their email from the list (if they don't exist in list, to to Users menu and add them to the course occasion, with the invigilator role) 

Publish exam

Publish course occasion:

  • Go to Course/<course occasion>
  • Go to Settings
  • Click the button Publish event

Advanced examination

Add steps below:

  • Multiple centers & Start times

For detailed information: Thessaloniki - Create center(s)