This article explains how to create a course session, from scratch or copy an another course session

Ortrac divides program into courses. To activate a course with components and student, you need to create a course occasion. 


General information

To create a course session, for students to work in, the administration can create and populate the course occasion with a number of item, logic and structure. If you organize a university you name the course occasion with a proper name representing, the time period for the course occasion, like "automn-23" or spring-24". 

Starting at the top, you create modules to make logic containers, in these containers you connect logic to different types of items, via progress measures, to fulfil the module. The student receive a badge for job, well done.

Items which can be used within the module, can be:

  • forms (attendance, clinical, surveys)
  • content (course info, video links)
  • assignments (working with peers, interact with teacher)
  • quiz (before clinical, from real KBA exams complementary tasks, progress tests) 
  • kba exams (summative exams, AI controlled) 
  • osce exams (practical exams, divide your stations)
  • analyse/export (power BI views, presenting student progress, export reports)

Finished with the structure the administration, add a set of students & other roles

Create a course session from scratch

Find the menu

  • Go to the left meny Courses and select a <course>


Create course occasion

  • Click the button Create new <course>
  • Add a name in the Name field
  • Click the button Create from scratch
  • Click Save button

Empty course occasion

  • Go to the left meny Courses and select a <course>
  • Go to the new <course occasion>

You have created an empty course container. Now you´re able to populate the course occasion with items and students.

Add components

Below an abbreviation list of all items, which exists in a course occasion. 

Module(s)organize parts/sections within the coursecontainers for items containing a part inside the course occasion
Badge(s)showing students completement of a moduleshow the module structure on the student dashboard
Progess measure(s)measurement of student tasks inside the modulean item can measured by, number of performance, level, assessed role
Form(s)clinical evaluation, EPA, Mini-CEX, attendance and morecan be used through the web or one of the apps: Orzone Forms/Ortrac Scholar
Content(s)Reading material to support the course occasioncan contain, text, links, links to form, links to quizzes and external material
Assignment(s)a structured way to get a task performed by a student, with a deadlineThe assignment need to be evaluated by a teacher and be graded
Quizze(s)Formative exams support the education processa student can take this of exam with 10-20 question with different types (SBA, MCQ, EMQ and more) 
KBA exam(s)Summative exams with a number of questionsHigh security exam with possibility to a different types (SBA, MCQ, EMQ and more)
OSCE exam(s)A number of stations organized in a practical examinationsStations will connect to different types of forms for student evaluations
StudentsParticipants in the course sessionadd or import (batch through Excel) students, they receive a mail about being added to the course occasion

Add Module

Add Badge

Add Progress measure

Add Forms

Add Content

Add Assignment

Add Quiz

Add KBA exam

Add OSCE exam

Add Students

Finished course occasion

Student dashboard

As soon as a student is added to a course occasion, the work done above will be available for the student, via their dashboard (student startpage)

  • Student login at (or subdomains like <university>
  • They navigate to their Portfolio and they see the screen below
  • Click at a module and get going to interact with components within the course occasion 


A student can find all the components created, inside the module (click at a module to reach the view below)


The components above can be reached and added to teacher Powepoint presentations, via qr-codes read more


Add students to the course occation,  read here

Create a course session, via copy

Find the menu

  • Go to the left meny Courses and select a <course>
  • Click the button Create new <course>

Copy exams, quizzes & assignments

A window appears

  • Add a name of the new course occasion, at Name
  • Click the button Copy existing
  • Select event: select previous course occasion to copy from
  • Click the active link: Customize objects to copy to customize which objects to copy (examinations, quizzes and assignments )
  • Click the button OK to finalize the copy procedure

Forms & Modules


  • Go to the Students menu, in the course occasion, to make Modules available
  • Click the Add module button & select which modules to add


  • Go to the Forms/Lists menu, in the course occasion
  • Click at a <form> in the list
  • Click the button Visible
  • Click the button Save changes (now is the form available in the course occasion)