This article describes how to run an OSCE examination



Here is a checklist for the examination day:

  • Printed ID tags, if you selected a Anonymous ID examination, to be attached to each student
  • Be sure to have a number of extra Exam Admins, if something happens to one of the ordinary examiners
  • Have a master clock/or a schedule, distributed to each stations
  • Examiners should be logged in to the system and have their station selected on the screen, the tab Marking should be selected.

The menus

The Marking menu

  • All examiners should be here, and selected their station, by clicking the button Mark station

The Overview menu

  • This screen is for the OSCE exam admin staff, the person responsible for the entire examination. The menu describes how status of the examination.

The List submissions menu

  • This screen is for the OSCE exam admin staff, to control the details from a specific submission

The Settings menu

This screen is for the OSCE exam admin staff, Close the examination

  • To close the examination, click the Close exam button (it is important to control that all stations has been completed, before pressing this button. By clicking this button you get access to the Grading menu