This article will describe how to create a prefilled form, to use for example as attendance during an event, QR-code/link for students to follow to submit attendance
Find the menu
- Go to Courses/<course>/<course occasion>
- Select the menu Forms/Submit form
- Click a <form> from the list
Create a prefilled form
The form appears:
- In the section Prefills, click the button Create Prefill
You may save a pre-filled version of this form, to grant students quick access to a forms with some tags or values already set. If you want to use the auto-submit feature, please make sure that all required fields and tags are provided.
The auto-submit functionality works well to document presence, at an education event.
Prefilled section:
- Give the Prefill a name (sample: attendance Day 2)
- Description (shown to the student: sample: You attended day 2 of the course)
- Select an Assessors role
- Auto-submit:
- Auto-Submit=Yes, as the student follow the presented link to the form, they get a "Thanks for submitting" message, without any action needed.
- select Auto-Submit=No, if the student need to confirm the submission, by clicking a Submit form button
Form section:
- Fill out the form with correct data for all students, following the prefilled link (note: all mandatory feeds needs to be completed)
- Select the occasion (sample: lab1, seminarie1, day1) from the dynamic dropdown menu to mark the specific occasion. Name the Prefilled form with the occasion, "Attendance - day1" to keep a structured approach. To create the dynamic dropdown menu, read this article: Blueprinting - Create course relevant tags
- Click the button Save Prefill
Deliver the form
To use the prefilled form:
- Go to Courses/<course>/<course occasion>
- Select the menu Forms/Submit form
- Click a <form> from the list
- In the section Prefills, click on a Prefilled form
A window appears with QR-code and a html-link to the form.
Add the QR-code/link to a Powerpoint or another content sections for students to follow.
Manage a prefilled form
To use the prefilled form:
- Go to Courses/<course>/<course occasion>
- Select the menu Forms/Submit form
- Click a <form> from the list
- In the section Prefills, click on a <prefilled form>
- Click the Edit prefill button to edit the prefilled form
- Click the Delete prefill button to delete the prefilled form