This article describes what happens when you create a new account for a student and what the outcome is for the student and what action is taken by the student.
- Skapa elever i Ortrac
- Identifiera E-mail
- Innehåll och åtgärd
- Länken är aktiv i 24 timmar
- Borttappat passord
Skapa students in Ortrac
When you add students to a course instance, a login email is sent to the e-mail specified on the account, if you choose to do this by pressing the button, E-mail to users.
Here is an article describing the process of adding students: Add student to course occasion
Add existing students to new course occasion
When you add existing students to a course instance, an update email is sent to the e-mail specified on the account, if you choose to do this by pressing the button, E-mail to users.
Identify the E-mail
An email is sent to the student, with the following details.
- Sender: Ortrac <[email protected]>
- Subject: Account created
- Message contains: Dear your name, An account has been created at Ortrac in your name
Since different mail programs act differently, based on settings, this email may appear in different folders in the student's email, then it may be good to use the above information to search for the login email.
Content & action
- When the email is identified, open it and click the button: Activate my account
You will be taken to a website where you will be identified with the name you received in the creation of the Ortrac account.
- Create a password in the textbox: Password
- Rewrite the same password in the textbox: Confirm password
The student is logged in to Ortrac and ends up on a start page called Portfolio/Analytics.
A common routine when inviting a student to a course is for the course administration to put an information box under the section Information. This may contain links to forms, things to read, and more. This article shows how to build up this type of information: Form - Instruktion med formulärslänkar (SWE)
Now the student is invited to the course and can start using the items associated with the course, such as:
- Form for EPA
- Clinical practice form
- Forms for administration (e.g. attendance)
Link active 24 hours
The link in the email is active for 24 hours, after that you can request a new login code by clicking on the same email, see picture
- Click the button Request new code
Recover lost passord
If a student loses their password, then follow this article: Problem login