Ändrad den: Tors, 9 feb., 2023 vid 3:37 E.M.
This article refers to the functionality of app Ortrac Scholar
- Essay question - simply type your answer and proceed to the next question
- SBA question - select one of the provided answer options.
- MCQ question - select one or more of the provided answer options.
- True/False question - for each statement mark whether it is True or False.
- EMQ question - Mark each statement with the answer option that best matches the statement. The answer options will be displayed when a statement is clicked.
- The app will by default scroll to the next question when you have answered the current one
- This behavior can be turned off by clicking on the "Menu" button and switching off "Auto Scroll". Only SBA questions will trigger an auto scroll.
- To manually advance to next or back to the previous question; click the arrow buttons in the menu bar or swipe from the right or left edge.
- It is also possible to scroll quicker between questions by accessing the side menu and clicking the question number in the grid.