This article refers to the functionality of app Ortrac Scholar

Form and Quiz list

This list shows all the assessments available for the course. Assessments are sorted by Quiz and Form in two respective sections. If your course administrator has created and published forms or quizzes they will appear in this list. If the list is empty you can create your own forms or quizzes by clicking the "Create new" button in the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.

Download assessment

List items with a blue cloud icon need to be downloaded before they can be used, simply click to download. When the blue icon disappears the assessment can be started, it will not open automatically after download.

Open assessment

Simply click on any downloaded or self created assessment to start or open the assessment. If the Quiz or Form has already been used and has at least one saved result a summary page with all results for the selected Quiz or Form will be opened. To retake the Quiz or Form simply click the "Start new" button on the result overview page. Assessments that do not have any saved results will open immediately.

Remove assessment

Assessments can be removed from the device by clicking the trash bin icon. Note that this will not remove the questions or images associated with the assessment, so removing the assessment will not save you a lot of storage space. Only assessments that do not have any unsubmitted results can be removed. Assessments that have been downloaded will be removed from the device but will appear in the list again as available downloads. This can be useful if your course administrator has published a new version of the quiz.