The article describes how to specify at program level how to handle mailings to those who have acted in the role of an official assessor of forms.



Find the menu

  • Go to Blueprinting/Program layout
  • Click on a <program>
  • Click the button Assessor e-mail settings

A window opens:


E-mail frequency

Here you set how often should send out emails to those who have made an assessment. Do not notify is the default setting that comes with creating a new program.

Three choices:

  • Do not notify (default)
  • Week summary e-mail (every Sunday 12:00 PM)
  • Daily summary e-mail (every night 12:00 PM ) 

  • Select an alternative from the drop down list and click the button Save.

E-mail templates

Here you have the opportunity to design your emails. You can design both messages by pressing either button:

  • Edit Daily summary template
  • Edit Weekly summary template

A window, Edit template opens. Following sections can be edited:

  1. Subject = name of the mail
  2. Attachments - add files
  3. Html body - toolbox to refine the e-mail stem
  4. Extra info about the mail

Notice: If you choose to add a variable, via square brackets the button, it means for the actual email that you get a list of row/s containing the following: Your name, which program you have visited, which form you approved, one line for each approval.

When you are done editing, press the Save button

If you want to test how your email will look to a user, go over to the associated section of this menu, see below.

One can fill in two variables to get a feel for the email will work by putting:

  • Recipient: recipient (preferably your own email for control)
  • PROGRAM - a program name
  • LIST - a row that is allowed to represent a row in a list

If you are NOT connected to a tenant, the email will be sent from Ortrac mail server. It is recommended to do this via the university's mail server for more validity and avoid spam connection.

Below is the test email in the mailbox


Below is the content of the email, with a number of lines to represent forms approvals.