Form features
Created by: Daniel Svensson
Modified on: Mon, 23 Jan, 2023 at 8:56 AM
This article describes the various features that are available when filling out a form.

Menu | All other settings here, this is where you will find the close button.
Form name
| The name of the form |
Toggle collapsed / expanded view
| Toggles the view between expanded and collapsed. The collapsed allows more form fields to be visible at one time.
Separator | A dotted line that indicates a new logical section of the form. The areas between the separators are "sections".
Form fields | The fields of the form. A field is either an item to be answered or a text with information.
Tag categories | A list of tag categories, click on a category to see the corresponding available tags.
Assessor details | Choose the role of the assessor, this will prompt a list with saved assessor's emails. A new assessor email can be added.
Submit button | Click on this button to submit the evaluation. The button is only enabled if all required fields and tags have been filled out.
Daniel is the author of this solution article.
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