This article refers to the functionality of Ortrac web. This article describes how to participate in an Angoff session.
Angoff session, Participate
Login to the site You can use your Google account or Ortrac login details
- Go to the Angoff menu and press the button "Start Angoff Session?". You don't have to answer the very questions (these answers will not be saved), but you need to use the slider at the bottom of the page.
- The Angoff session does not have any time constraints
- It's important to mark all the questions = green indicator to the lower right corner
- After finalizing the last question, press the "Submit Judgement" button (if you do this before you have completed all questions, you will get a question, if you really would like to finish, TURN back and finalize all questions.
- After all, Judgements has been submitted, go back to this menu and press the button "Judgement" buttons, the menu below opens
If you would like to view the question, click the Index number in the Item column
f you would like to change your Judgement, click on the Percentage number in the Your Judgement column
After all, editing is ready, any of the Subject Matter Experts, can press the button "Finalize?"