This article refers to the functionality of Ortrac web. This article descibes the functionality you have access to as an Invigulator during an Examination event
Invigilator functionality
If you have been assigned the role of Invigilator for an event, you will see the tab Invigilation in your browser. The main window is the candidates which will be in this specific event.
The list of students, divided into the following columns:
- Login code (this is a personal code for a user to enter this specific event, that together with the event code, give them access to this event.
- Last name (not mandatory)
- First name (not mandatory)
- Progress (the different states a delegate can be in, Not started, Progress, Finished)
- ID 1 (Can be used if you were to check their ID at the start, works just as a reminder)
- ID 2 (Can be used if you were to check their ID at the end, works just as a reminder)
- Time remaining, of the candidates' personal duration, they can have different values here, due to start late and/or extra time added)
- Status (if a candidate is online/offline, the exam can still work in offline mode, but not at the submit of the entire exam)
The window to the right "Exam overview" is the invigilation control station:
The first row with:
- All candidates
- Active
- Search
works as a filter for the candidate window to the left, you simply select which view you want to look at.
The next section is information about the entire event:
- Exam code: OR108
- Duration: 01:00
- Start time: Available immediately
- Number of candidates: 0 not started/0 one started/1 finished
The "View Question" button gives you the opportunity to view the questions inside the event
The "Add Candidate" button gives you the opportunity to add an extra user to this event, by:
- E mail (not mandatory but, a proper e-mail address is good to have for sending reports after the event)
- First name (not mandatory)
- Last name (not mandatory)
- Login code (autogenerated, mandatory, that together with the Exam code: gives the candidate access to the exam, at
- Extra time (not mandatory but it can be of help, to compensate someone, for some reason. The extra time will be added on top of the Duration)
- Press "Save" button
The "Grant extra time" button gives you the opportunity to add extra time for users connected to the event.
- Add minutes in the Extra time field
- Press "Save" button
The "Close Exam Centre" button closes down the entire event.
- This is not something an Invigilator normally does, the event will close done after time for the event runs out.
- Only use this button if you get a specific order from the main administration. If you were to press this button you get the warning below and you can cancel the request.
- If you want to close down the event, press the Continue button at the Warning window below.