This article refers to the functionality of Ortrac Web. This article teaches you how to create a form and publish it to the course/course and to user groups


Find menu

  • Go to the Forms/Forms in the left menu

A menu opens, with a list of created forms, divided into two tabs (Published = accessible to all, Draft = your personal forms in draft mode):

  • (Green) Date created
  • (Red): Usage: Shows the number of course occasions the form is used in. If you hover over the cursor, details are shown about how many course sections it is visible to students and where it is hidden.
  • (Blått): Submissions. Number of submissions

Create a form

  • Create a form by clicking the button Create new form
  • <name> the form
  • Select which <course/courses> the form should be available for
  • Click the button Create form

Create content - Forms field

  • In the section Forms field click the button Add field

  • och väljer ett objekt i listrutan nedan:
  • Evaluation question (a question with connected rating scale option & tags)
  • File upload (add a selectable file as an input to the form)
  • Rich text info (Describing text section)
  • Separator (a line to create a graphical effect of separation in form)

Evaluation question

If you choose to add an evaluation question, you will be given two options for importing the question:

  • Select an already existing question, by clicking Browse database
  • To type a new question, click Write new

Notis: These items can be set to mandatory

Create logic - Forms settings

When you are done with the components of the form, you create the form's logic under the Forms setting section:

  • <Namn> the form
  • Available for, Choose which courses the form should be available for forms
  • Student selection (multi-selection allows an identical evaluation of several students to be submitted at the same time)
  • Evaluation mode (set single assessment limits for each student to be evaluated once)
  • Tag settings (If you have tag groups attached to the course, you can control them here)
  • Save the form by clicking the Save


The form now has content, connection to which courses it can potentially appear in, and additional settings for behavior and access. When you pressed the Save button, the form gets the status of Draft.

  • Click the button Publish form

A control window will then appear and provide information about the status of the questions selected in the form (whether they are draft or published)

Click the dropdown menu Publish form, and choose one of the options below.

  • Publish
    • is then active but needs to be linked to the respective course, by entering the Course/course occasion
    • and under Forms/Settings 
    • click the button Add Forms
  • Publish and expose to administrators (The form is now active for administrators to fill in, no action is needed anymore for it to be used)
  • Publish and expose to administrators and students(The form is now active for administrators and students to fill in, no action is needed anymore for it to be used)